We make well thought out plans. We have checked all known facts and checked with the experts. And thought out just how we were going the do the project. And then it did not work out as we expected. Could it be that we forgot to seek God's wisdom on the project, or even if it should have been done in the first place.
"1. Mortals make elaborate plans, but GOD has the last word". -- Proverbs 16:1 (The Message)This Proverb concerns itself with various observations of moral virtues and opposite vices. The whole chapter is on this subject of God's superior knowledge of things. I suggest reading the whole 33 verses.
(Check the next three verses :)
- "2. Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; GOD probes for what is good.
- "3. Put GOD in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place.
- "4. GOD made everything with a place and purpose; even the wicked are included-but for judgment."
-- Proverbs 16:2-4 (The Message)
If you take your place as God's co-worker you will have success in your efforts. First step, if you haven't already, make Jesus your Savior and Lord. Second step, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and follow that guidance. God the Father will honor your faith and your commitment to His leading.
Another thought: when we die, our carefully thought out plans will die with us. Yet what we have done under the leadership of the Holy Spirit will last for eternity.