A few days ago I was reading the book of Amos in the Bible and I noticed again what I discovered while a student at seminary. Amos, the prophet named all the nations around the Northern Kingdom of Israel with curses, even Judah. That was great in the ears of the Israelites. Then he named Israel with its curse. That was not well received.
The other day I noticed that one nation was not mentioned. Amos listed eight nations: Damascus (Syria), Gaza, Tyre (Lebanon), Edom (Arabia), Ammon (Jordan), Moab, Judah and Israel. I note Amos left out the Medes (Kurdis). [Names in (...) are present day names.]
Who are the Medes today? Back 3000 BCE the Median traceable history begins. Cyrus the Great (549 BCE) conquered the Medes. This location is the present day Iran. Today the Median culture, now Kurdis, live in North-East Iran, North part of Iraq, South-east Turkey and a little part of Northern Syria, the future Kurdistan. The name change comes from the following: the Medes and the Guti people intermarried, dropped the name Mede, but kept the language. Today the people pronounce "Guti" as "Kurdi." Today they speak Median and call themselves Kurds and live in the future Kurdistan. They are direct descendants of one of Noah's grandsons; they became worshipers of the God of Daniel when Darius the Mede decreed the God of Daniel as the God of the Medo-Persian Empire following Daniel's lions-den experience.
The wise men who visited baby Jesus were these same Medes. Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah gave prophecies against every nation except the Medes. They have been historical friends of Israel and are not Arabs. They will gain land as a nation (Kurdistan), will come down and defend Israel during the Last War of this Age. (See 2 Kings 17:5-6; 18:9-11; Esther 1; Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 25, 51:11, 28-29 and Daniel 5 & 6)