This vision is the most difficult to interpret of the whole book of Ezekiel. Several months ago I began a study of this prophet and his ministry. Many visions were somewhat confusing, but after much prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, I came to the following understanding. (May I suggest that you read Ezekiel 40-48.)
As we know from the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the Alter and also the Sacrifice. Some theologians see the vision as corrected by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation. I don't see Revelation as a correction, only as an extension of the thought. Here Ezekiel is teaching that the Jews will be given back their destroyed Temple. Ezekiel describes an enhanced Temple with the ceremonies that Moses received on Mt. Sinai. The Jews did return to Jerusalem and did rebuild their temple in 538 BC. In Ezekiel's prophecy we see, however, much more. The scene begins to change as the realization that Jesus is the Sacrifice. In Ezekiel 40:3 we read of a man, a heavenly man. Is this the Son of God? I believe He is!
This Man describes the New Temple, the outer courts in chapter 40. Then starting at verse 48 we enter the Temple proper. This is symbolic of our growth in our relationship to Christ. This symbolism continues through chapter 41. The 42nd chapter tells us of the rooms for the priests. We read in the New Testament that Jesus says He will prepare a place for us in God's house (John 14).
Glory returns to the Temple in chapter 43. Jesus Christ, the Son of God inhabits this beautiful temple. As the people worship His, we see a stream of water flow out of the East Gate of the Temple. This river is first ankle deep, then deeper and deeper. The stream has trees along it's sides with fruit for food and leaves for healing.
Hallelujah! The Sacrifice has been made! This final sacrifice is accepted by the Jews, there are no more sin only the perfect developing persons of God. The Dead Sea becomes fresh water, free from any contamination. Chapter 47:13 and following tell of boundaries for the tribes which speak that all will be put in a new order with no more chaos. This will be the New Earth.
A map of Ezekiel's Temple. Adapted from Eerdmans' Handbook to the Bible, © 1973; page 428.